Let’s study Sa Se Shi So Su! さ せ し そ す勉強しましょう!

The next line well will be studying is the “s” line in hiragana.

さ- (sa) To make the さ sound you combine the “s” sound with the “ah” vowel sound. It is similar to the “sa” sound in the English word “saw”.


せ- (se) To make the せ sound you combine the “s” sound with the “eh” vowel sound. It is similar to the “se” sound in the English word “semester”.


し- (shi) The make the し sound you combine the “sh” sound with the “ee” vowel sound. It is pronounced just like the English word “she”.


そ- (so) To make the そ sound you combine the “s” sound with the “oh” vowel sound. It is pronounced just like the English word “so”.


す- (su) To make the す sound you combine the “s” sound with the “oo” vowel sound. It is similar to the “su” sound in the English word “super”.


That covers the “s” line in hiragana. Please remember to practice!  You CAN do it! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ It will help you remember!  As always, if you have any questions on this or any other topic I cover you can always email me at colormeindie@gmail.com or leave a comment below!